MEG Services for Local Schools and Colleges

uINTERNATIONAL STUDY TOUR (IST): The objective of International Study Tour is to experience foreign country, foreign university, foreign historic places, foreign culture, foreign food, foreign language, and foreign hospitality. We have further added foreign study workshop and foreign industrial visit to Indian schools and colleges looking for tailor made international study tour for your students. MEG is supported by twelve (12) year old counseling firm and their experience will be important to us in this study tour.

MEG will offer ONE (1) FREE faculty during this study tour. The itinerary and the cost of the study tour will depend on your choice of country, no of days visit, your needs for foreign certificate workshop & foreign industrial visit, etc. We offer international study tour to USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland, Beijing, Singapore, Dubai, and for any other European countries. The latest issue of MEG Mar-Apr 2012 has article on International Study Tour article on page 6 which will provide you more details (Click for sample ITINERARY of International Study Tour). This is a fee based activity.

vTRANSFER CREDIT FACILITY (TCF): We live in a global society and our educational needs have to be global to make it more acceptable in today’s global world. MEG will facilitate Indian institute (schools/colleges/universities) in getting your courses offered to Indian students acceptable to foreign universities. This will give better recognition of Indian institutes in India and in abroad and it will further facilitate easy transfer of Indian students to foreign universities for further studies. This is a fee based activity.

wFOREIGN ACADEMIC COLLABORATION (FAC): The Government of India is in the process of inviting foreign universities to set up their own campuses in India. The Foreign Educational Bill’2010 is in the parliament and waiting for approval. We understand that there is need from Indian institutes to have foreign academic collaboration in preparing themselves with this CHANGE. 

MEG will identify with such Indian institutes (schools/colleges/universities) and will find foreign universities that will match their requirements and country preference. Such foreign academic collaboration will be in areas like international pathway programs, foreign online & distance learning programs, open accredited school programs, joint student projects, foreign certificate courses, research collaboration, student exchange, faculty exchange, etc. This is a fee based activity. 

xFOREIGN UNIVERSITY VISIT (FUV): MEG on invitation from Indian institute (schools /colleges /universities) will arrange foreign universities visit to their local campus. The objective is to bring foreign universities closer to Indian institutes which will create better goodwill among students, teachers, parents, and will further facilitate in foreign academic collaborations. The foreign university will visit to promote their program to prospective Indian students and will hold seminar in your campus. Interested Indian institute should kindly email at for registration purpose. This is non-fee (FREE) based activity.  

ySTUDENT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (SDW): It is important for every student to develop strong personality to meet the complex work environments required in today’s global society. Further students need to have well balanced education in all aspects i.e., Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual needs.

Students need to develop these qualities during their education period and Indian schools and Indian colleges can arrange MEG student development workshop in their campus for students, teachers and parents. Kindly click on SDW for more details on student development workshops. This is a fee based activity.

zSTUDY ABROAD COUNSELLING: MEG will provide study abroad counseling (personal visit or email based) for your students to guide them in their study abroad process.

MEG will provide study abroad counseling for all country (USA/ UK/ CANADA/ AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND/SINGAPORE/FRANCE/GERMANY/RUSSIA/CHINA/etc.) for all levels (Schools/Diploma & Certificate/ Bachelors (BS)/ Masters (MS)/ MBA/ PhD) and for all programs(Commerce/ Engineering/ Science/ Architecture/ Pharmacy/ Fine-Arts / Fashion/ Photography/ Medicine (UG level)/ Law (UG level)/ Aviation/ Hospitality/ Tourism/ Hotel Management/ Nursing/ Hospital Management/ Health Care/ Information Technology/  Films/ Animation/ Mass Media/ etc.

{OTHER SERVICES: MEG is opened to new ideas and will like to hear from you any other educational needs. Please feel free to email at with your details and requirement.